Welcome to ToxicologyGAN
ToxicologyGAN is an out-of-the-box tool within the vianu package to help users facilitate the training of a GAN network in the context of simulating …
Training of GAN Network: Start by loading the relevant data and training a Generator and a Discriminator network.
Generation: Proceed with an already trained network and use the Generator with the corresponding trained weights to generate new data points.
How it works
Based on the work of Chen et al. (Nature Communications, 2023), we implemented a simpler version of the code to make it more accessible and easy to use. Once having the correct input data, the training of the network is easily performed with the implementation in vianu.
- Python 3.11 or higher
- Required Python packages
Installation guide
Download package
pip install vianu
Use Pipeline to train GAN network and generate new data points: In Python you can use the following:
from src.client import ToxicologyGANClient, GeneratorModel, Discriminator from src.config import working_dir from src.config import (data_path, descriptors_path, batch_size, latent_dim, molecular_dim, Time_dim, Dose_dim,Measurement_dim) from src.config import n_epochs, n_critic, lr, b1, b2, interval, model_path, lambda_gp, lambda_GR, num_generate # Change PATH to working directory - for example: working_dir = Path(__file__).parents[2] / r'toxicologygan' os.chdir(working_dir) # Device config for torch routines device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # Instantiate the client tg_client = ToxicologyGANClient() # Consume data into client dataloader = tg_client.create_custom_dataloader(data_path, descriptors_path, batch_size, device) # Instantiate Generator and Discriminator generator = GeneratorModel(latent_dim, molecular_dim, Time_dim, Dose_dim, Measurement_dim).to(device) discriminator = Discriminator(molecular_dim, Time_dim, Dose_dim, Measurement_dim).to(device) # Training WGAN-GP with generator regularization tg_client.train(generator, discriminator, dataloader, n_epochs, n_critic, latent_dim, device, lr, b1, b2, interval, model_path, lambda_gp,lambda_GR) # USE TRAINED MODEL TO GENERATE NEW DATA path = working_dir # Read data treatments = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(path, "dummy_data", "Example_Treatments_test.tsv"), sep="\t") training_data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(path, "dummy_data", "Example_Data_training.tsv"), sep="\t") ### this file should store all the training data used for the pretrained model MDs = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(path, "dummy_data", "Example_MolecularDescriptors.tsv"),index_col=0, sep="\t") descriptors_training = MDs[MDs.index.isin(training_data["COMPOUND_NAME"])] descriptors = MDs[MDs.index.isin(treatments["COMPOUND_NAME"])] # Instantiate new generator model generator = GeneratorModel(latent_dim, molecular_dim, Time_dim, Dose_dim, Measurement_dim).to(device) # Load model model_path = os.path.join(path, "models", "generator_10") weights = torch.load(str(model_path)) # nosec generator.load_state_dict(weights) generator.eval() # Generate and save result_path = os.path.join(path, "results", "generated_data_{}.tsv".format(num_generate)) tg_client.generate(treatments,descriptors,training_data,descriptors_training,result_path,generator,device, num_generate,latent_dim,)